Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wandcast episode one!

wandcast = awesomeness I love wandcast a podcast by kestrel shadowthisle dustinmooncatcher and david titanrider

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The offical party announcement (sorry about being late

Party will be next saturday in nightside realm vampire at 5:00 hope you guys can make it there it will be a good time also there will be a giveaway for

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My wizard101 birthday is soon!

On March third it will be my wizard101 birthday and ravenwood radio remided me! maybe a party at nightside? any ideas eh eh? but that will be a great time

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Headder!!!

Well you may have noticed I have a new headder with my new wings wand and dyed clothes!!!! If you guys have any ideas on what to stich with ny stuff email me at

Saturday, February 20, 2010


the new wings and death blade are so cool spent 6 hours farming for them but I have them now WOOT and good luck getting them

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Go Borris DeathBlade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my storm alt has gotten level 16 beaten the throne room of fire and just got his house ( special thanks to david titanrider from wizard101info) heres pics!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


first of all HAPPY V-day to all second no pics me dustinmooncatcher davidtitanrider and cassandragriffindreamer, jessica fraiy heart, long sotry not enough time my alt storm levle 15 awsome

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Christinas party!!! and storm student teacher complaint

Christina IceDreamer`s party was a blast we bugged mindy and I hada minor fashion breakdown (I messed up the holidays so I was santa instead of a birthday hat but thats ok!
also susie gryphonbane won the storm student election!!! gasps yea I know somebody who would make a way better student teacher not gonna put names out there (Dustin MoonCatcher) that person knows who he is (Dustin MoonCatcher) remember you know who you are (Dustin MoonCatcher)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wizardbox = awsomeness!!!!

If you guys have a i touch or I phone download wizard 101 first I phone/I touch app!! I take that as a hint it wont be the last!!! its free and really fun you can get codes for you guy with the app to!!!